These are a few of my favourite things. Hares with red ribbons and skullbones with gristle. Period wigs and wet fur on big grizzlies. Chirping birds and pointy shoes that kill you. Girls in puffy frocks and smith & wesson pistols. When I am feeling sad, I simply remember my favourite things and then I don't feel so bad.
A snob is defined as someone who believes that their taste in a particular area is superior to those of other people. That would be me. Style is a birth right and in this blog, I wish to eradicate and educate.
"Jay Adams may not have been the world's best skater, but he was the man, the real deal, the original, the first. He is the archetype of our shared heritage."
- Stacy Peralta.
It's not how well you do it or what you wear. It's about doing it with style, with panache.
Welcome to my world.
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