I have just finished watching an episode of America's Next Top Model Season 9, filmed in Beijing. Please I beg you, free me from Middle America bimbos...
A recap of conversations that went on in this episode:
"I don't care. I wouldn't wear a Chinese dress anyways." (uttered by one contestant after she lost a challenge where the prize was a custom-made qipao)
"Are we done yet? I'm not really into this." (10 minutes into an elaborate skit showcasing the 4 legendary beauties of Chinese history)
"Omigod, I can't believe I am in China. Never in my life would I imagine I would come here." (of course not, you fucking dumb ignorant bimbos. maybe you should just go back to Texas and milk some cows.)
China was also referred to as the "Orient" in the show. Dude, I am not some anti-racist freedom fighter but what happened to thinking before you open your big-ass gob?